Hi, I’m Dave. I’m on a journey to learn more about conscious consumerism. Having studied both business and nonprofits in college, and having worked for both, I have always been intrigued by both the positive and negative impacts that organizations can make. As conscious consumerism continues to grow and as I make it more a part of my life, I want to better understand the positive impact business can make and my role as a consumer.

I have countless questions about conscious consumerism.  Is it greenwashing and pseudo advocacy or a powerful force for positive change? How do I know what businesses are actually doing a good job? And how do I do a better job as a consumer? And many more.

That’s why I started this blog.  I decided to spend more time exploring these questions and figured I’d share what I learn along the way. Oh, and I love gear and am always researching that, so figured I’d share that too. As I said, I’m on a journey. I do my part, but I don’t live a totally zero waste life. Everyone is at a different point in their own unique journey. Thanks for joining me on mine.